CDP Securities Account allows investors to safe-keep their Singapore-listed securities in one location, such as those listed in SGX and Singapore Government Bonds. For example, if you plan on purchasing Singapore Savings Bonds (SSB), you will first need a CDP account to store your bonds. Let’s go through the step-by-step guide on how to open CDP account and how you can utilize this account.
Types of CDP Account
There are three types of CDP accounts:
Individual Account | This is the most common CDP account type for retail investors. Most retail investors apply for this individual account to buy Singapore-listed securities. You can open this individual account if unsure which type to open. With the individual account, only you have access to your CDP account. |
Joint Account | There are two types of joint accounts:
Corporate / Trustee Account | This account is used strictly to hold shares owned by the corporation for its own benefit. |
This guide will focus on the individual account type, which is the most common among retail investors.
You can read in more detail directly from the SGX website:
Eligibility of CDP Account Opening
The basic eligibility criteria are as follows:
- Must be at least 18 years old
- Must not be an un-discharged bankrupt
- Must have a Singapore bank account. This bank account is required for the direct crediting service (DCS). With DCS, you will receive dividends and interest payout credited directly to your bank account.
Additionally, you will need to provide other supporting documents during the application process, which we will go through below.
How to Open CDP Account
There are two ways to open CDP account: using MyInfo for Singaporean/PR or using the online form.
Sign up using MyInfo (Only for Singaporeans and PRs)
If you are a Singapore citizen or PR, you can save the hassle of manually filling up your details by using MyInfo via SingPass. Additionally, you need to prepare the following:
- Photographed/scanned copy of your signature
- Tax Identification Number (TIN)
This is the recommended way to sign up for a CDP account opening if you are eligible.
Sign up using the online form
If you are not eligible to use MyInfo, you can manually fill in your particulars using the provided online form. Don’t worry; it will just take slightly longer. You will need to prepare the following documents as you go through the signup process:
- Passport / IC / Work Pass
- One of the following:
- Bank statement from any MAS-licensed bank
- CPF statement
- IRAS statement
- Photographed/scanned copy of your signature
- Tax Identification Number (TIN)
If you are ready to open CDP account, you can head to the SGX website:
Application Processing Time
If you apply using MyInfo, processing will take five business days. If you apply using the online form, the processing time will take ten business days. However, with the recent influx of new applications, the processing time may take much longer, reaching 21 business days.
Successful Application
If your CDP account opening application is successful, you will receive a confirmation email from SGX confirming your application is successful. Inside the email, you will find your CDP Securities Account Number. Congratulations! You can now purchase any SGX-listed securities and Singapore government bonds.
Investors Portal
After you get your CDP account number, you can access the investors portal at SGX:
The investors portal will show you the following:
The dashboard/overview of your investment portfolio stored in your CDP account
You can see the total assets of your holdings, the profit/loss, and the breakdown by security types and sectors. From the breakdown, you can assess your portfolio diversification and see if you need to adjust your holdings accordingly. This is especially helpful if you do not use other investment tracker apps that can provide you with a complete sectoral breakdown.
The list of all securities in your CDP account
You can see the list of current holdings in your portfolio. If you don’t track your holdings on your investment tracker app or spreadsheet, you can use the investors portal list, which we find to be pretty helpful. You can see your number of units, unit cost, market price, market value, and profit/loss. Very helpful!
See dividend and interest payouts history
If you invest in stocks that pay dividends or bonds, you will receive regular dividend/interest payouts directly credited into your bank account. However, your bank account statement may include many other transactions, and your record may be jumbled up. From the investors portal, you can easily see the dividend and interest payouts you have received from your various securities.
Alternatively, you can also download the SGX app to access the investors portal from your mobile phone: